7/25 - Busano to Leinì - forgot to record, around 10 miles
Another 6 days have gone by in a flash, and here I am once more trying to share everything that has happened to me. It is a bit overwhelming, and I find that there is always more that I would like to say, and not enough time to say it.
The last time I dumped all my blog posts onto everyone's collective lap, I was in Cuorgnè, heading South toward Torino. The directions I received pointed me in the direction of Salassa, which was East and a bit South. I was told there was a new "residence-hotel" there that was economical and a good staging point for my walk to Torino.
In the end, it was not too difficult for me to choose the riskier but more direct route: after all, this trip has been about everything but the sure thing, and I prepared myself for the possibility of having to retrace my steps, in the event that Busano proved to be completely devoid of accommodations.
Two kilometers down the road, I asked the locals at a gas station, and found out that there was indeed a 2 star hotel on the outskirts of Busano. Vindication! Though this turned out to be my most expensive night of lodging yet, and was overall a pretty unpleasant stay, I had probably saved 2 hours of walking.
After hanging my key on the wall and "letting myself out," per the previous night's instructions, I made my way further South.
Though I have often promised myself not to complain too much about my minor aches and pains, I must say that both of my pinky toes felt like they were going to come off. At first, I couldn't understand why; in my attempt to treat the blisters that had formed while descending from the Alps, I had done what seemed like an admirable job applying neosporin, and wrapping both toes with medical tape folled by duct tape.
When I finally arrived at Leinì, I was at the point of swooning from the pain, so I decided to cut the tape off and see if my toes had turned into bloody, nail-less pulps. What followed was immediate relief, as I could feel and even see the life pulsing slowly back into my toes.
In my infinite brilliance and worldly wisdom, I had applied the tape (two layers!!) so tightly that I had all but cut off circulation to my toes for nearly two days! Needless to say, I walked the final couple miles to my hotel in sandals, feeling very foolish for having suffered so unnecessarily. Oh well; this lesson, like many that I have learned both on this trip and in my life, came relatively cheaply, all things considered.
For the second night in a row, I slept in a place that was primarily a restaurant and bar; the hotel was clearly an afterthought, and I was the only guest foolish enough to stay at either place.
I can say in all honesty that, these days, the presence of toilet paper in the bathroom elicits in me an audible grunt of approval and satisfaction, so when I turned on the shower and realized that it wasn't going to get anything but cold, I didn't think twice. Shower as quickly possible, and be thankful that you don't have to insert a coin in order for it to come out.
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