Thursday, August 14, 2008

My disappearance and a promise to return soon


The entire country shuts down completely for the month of August, as everyone migrates en masse to the sea, or other cooler places.

In my quest to be a true Italian, I have also taken my own vacation, heading to Paris to visit my sister and her fiance. As soon as I have a spare moment, I promise to communicate all my stories, upload pictures, etc.

In the meantime, please imagine this blog having one of those metal doors closed over the entrance, with a small piece of paper saying "dear friends, we will be closed from August 13 to August 19. Thank you for your patience!

Best Wishes from Paris!


Mike said...

I made a caipirinha last weekend.

Unknown said...

Have a great time! It is a well deserved vacation.....?? but then some of us may think you are already on vacation....for quite a while now! Ha!Ha!