Saturday, November 22, 2008

That's it? 4 measly posts after 11 days?


It's dinner time here in Tortora, Calabria, and I have to run. I know you're disappointed, and believe me nobody is more disappointed than I am, because I have a string of really good stories I'm just dying to tell and no time to type them out.

Finding internet is difficult here, and when I find it, I arrive after closing time, or am too tired to move from my hotel room. Today, after walking my longest walk yet (21.91), I have the energy and the desire and an open internet cafe, but am lacking the time. I hope to write more soon.

If you don't hear from me before then (and I hope you do), Happy Thanksgiving. Just for me, please remember to say thank you, and to think about all the things that we have and for which we should be grateful. I know this is by now a cliche, and the automatic response is to say of course I say thank you on Thanksgiving, but the whole point of the day falls by the wayside all too often, replaced by bounteous food, hours and hours of football on the television, and a day off from work.

Thank you for reading,

1 comment:

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Ciao Pat! Just got an email from your friend Carlo, and I wish I knew more info about places on the Tyrrhenian side of Calabria :(

Anyhoo, I'll be following your journey, and I just tweeted about it on Twitter :)

In bocca al lupo!